Sahya Yoga is a space for awakening awareness through intuitive wisdom.
A space that was conceived with the intention of sharing the practices and techniques that were useful in my journey to shift from a self-centered view of sadness, negative thoughts, and anxiety to a more expansive, lighter, and loving way of living.
Awakening awareness is living our lives with sufficient perspective and equanimity to hear the truth of each situation moment to moment.
Instead of reacting to every single event that happens around us, losing our center, and becoming angry, through the practice of yoga and other spiritual techniques, we cultivate a spacious awareness that allows us to quiet the mind, open the heart, and act from a place of peace and joy.
Using my guidance, and the set of tools I share, with determination, patience, and compassion, we will create a fertile environment for you to recognize your intuitive wisdom that will unlock the path to your awakening and your true being.
This is not about becoming someone else: this is remembering and revealing who you truly are.
It will be an honor to guide you through this journey of self-exploration and awakening awareness to being a better version of yourself and living a richer and more fulfilling life.
“The art of teaching is the work you do on yourself.
You don’t teach what you know, you teach who you are”
Baba Ram Dass